
Our Story

My name is Scott Alan Miller and my Nicaraguan adventure began when my wife and I and our two young children moved temporarily to Granada, Nicaragua in 2015. Our time here was brief but we fell in love with the region and Nicaragua specifically. Our life adventures took us to many countries, but we always missed Nicaragua.

In the subsequent years, I visited Nicaragua multiple times, including a major “relocation consulting” trip for a friend in 2019 that reminded me acutely of how much I missed living in Nicaragua and prompted me to return home and propose making the permanent move to my wife. The decision happened quickly, but the global pandemic put our relocation plans on hold temporarily, but we spent all of 2020 researching and planning and even buying a property (that’s a long story and the details are on the show.)

We were able to make our permanent move on 17 May 2024 and have been living in Nicaragua full time ever since. Unlike our first time moving to Nicaragua, this time we invested in a permanent home in the city of León in the west.

Since moving to the country, I have made it a personal project to create a YouTube channel highlighting this beautiful country, my experiences here, and information to help others discover, evaluate and potentially visit or even relocation to Nicaragua.

Our Mission

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Higher Sales

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Customer Satisfaction

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Meet Our Team

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Desirae Dias


Madelyn Torff

Marketing Head

Tiana Gouse

Project Manager

Livia Passaquin


Have Any Questions?

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