Sharing our Knowledge & Experience to Help You Decide On & Prepare for Living in Nicaragua’s Tropical Paradise

Relocating to Nicaragua is Easier Than You Would Ever Imagine

At Relocate Nicaragua we aren’t selling relocation services, we are purely an informational resource for people wanting to learn more about how they can visit, learn about, move to, and potentially permanently reside in the beautiful, warm, safe, tropical country of Nicaragua. We love our country and want to share it with you.

There are many wonderful things to say about living in Nicaragua!

From the beaches of San Juan del Sur to the volcanoes of Masaya, there is no shortage of breathtaking scenery to explore. Nicaragua has so much more to offer than you would ever guess.

In addition to its natural beauty and friendly people, Nicaragua is also an affordable place to live. Whether you’re looking to rent a cozy apartment in the city or a spacious villa in the countryside, you’re sure to find something that fits your budget.

Latest Posts & Articles

Find out more about relocation services, barrio walks, food, must-visit places, real estate options, and cultural events in Nicaragua through our YouTube Channels.

Travel Safety vs Fake News

Traveling to Nicaragua safely is on everyone’s mind, but the world is full of people, governments, or businesses that have a financial interest in convincing you to stay home.

How to Exchange Currency in Nica

Exchanging currencies is a hot topic and few people understand where it should be done. Nicaragua is a dual currency country and navigating the cash system should be easy.

Live Music

LiberArte concert there to celebrate the 44th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Leon. It was a really cool concert. Our channels provide many concert and event recordings to help you explore Nicaraguan culture.

The Projects in Leon Nicaragua

Many of these areas are hidden and not accessible by car so very few outsiders will ever see zones like this. But unique neighborhoods and affordable housing is everywhere.

A Journey Through Vibrant Landscapes and Cultural Treasures

Every Angle Unveiled, Every Experience Yours to Enjoy.
Discover the natural wonders, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant traditions that make this Central American gem truly unforgettable.

Photo Gallery

Meet Our Team

Meet Our Passionate Nica-Loving Team! Committed to Making Your Relocation Journey Incredible Through Clear, Accurate Informational Resources.


NicaRumba Events Manager & Filming, Media Coordinator

Scott Alan Miller

YouTuber & Social Media Personality

Schedule a Call with Scott

Want an hour (or two) on the phone with Scott? To keep things simple, we use for initial phone calls. Scott would be happy to jump on the phone (or NicaHabla, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Zoom, Matrix) with you. Pricing is just 12 Coffees ($60) per hour to give you a chance to discuss relocation, ask questions, get more information of whatever type you like.


  1. Hello Scott,
    We are planning to move in Nica next year.
    Your video about mail is very interesting. Thank you!
    We would like to talk to you by email. Would you like to give us your email address. Our is : [email protected]
    Thank you very much. Marie.

  2. Hi, I would like to schedule a call for advice on traveling from Heredia/San Jose in Costa Rica to Nicaragua (I’m thinking Granada as of now), spending about a month working remotely in Nicaragua, and then traveling from Nicaragua to Medellin, Colombia.

    I tried the links above but they didn’t seem to work for scheduling a call. Thanks!

  3. Brother,
    Love the information that goes above and beyond in all directions like an omnisphere vs just a circle.
    I would like to know what your thoughts are for a good area, not to much like from what you have said about San Juan Del Sur and Granada. Social, water, expats and local mix. Anyways, I am really interested in setting up life to be able to do so, hopefully within a year

  4. Mr. Miller: I’ve got a great idea to build a rocket 🚀 ship and launch it from Leon. I even drew a sketch. Only 10k per investor is required! Haha…. I stumbled upon your video, very interesting. Thanks!

  5. I would like to schedule a call for relocation to living in Nicaragua. I would like to be there by June of this year. I want to rent a home, I need to get my dogs there safely and want more information on banking, cell phone changes is will need by being able to keep my US number, insurance on certain medications I need, ect.

  6. Hello Scott,
    My wife and I want to retire to Nicaragua around September of 2025 and I have one quick question.

    Is it easier to apply for the retirement visa once we get to Nicaragua, or should we start the process from here in the United States? We currently live in Clarksville, TN.

  7. Hi Scott, I’ve been following your YT channel for the better part of the year… lots of information which has given my husband and me a lot of topics for discussion as we contemplate making a move.

    I’m interested in booking an hour of your time but first have some questions…

    1. What is your main source of income? Are you a technology consultant for a US company?
    2. Is travel consulting a side hustle/gig?
    3. Do you still have/run the hotel?

    A little bit about me/us… we’re Canadian. We purchased 2 acres of land in Las Penitas/La Virgen Morena (5-7km from Popoyo).

    We intend to build a wellness retreat centre & hotel in 3-4 years. Until then, we will be researching, developing relationships, learning Spanish, travelling and staying as much as we can but living & working in Canada.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and setting up a time to chat.

  8. We are in Leon may 18-25th
    Looking to rent within the next 7mths to a year leaving Ontario.
    Would you be available to help us look around?

  9. Hi Scott, I think I need a phone consult with you rather than trying to get my questions answered via email, which apparently you aren’t receiving. I promise you that I have indeed emailed you at [email protected], but I haven’t received replies.
    Right now, I’m having analysis paralysis in trying to make a decision to go on a relocation tour in Panama or come to Nicaragua and have you or someone on your staff show me around. My heart is in Nicaragua for many reasons, but I’m not sure I can stand the heat. I do at least want to look for myself. I don’t know how to make a phone consult work after buying you 10 coffees, so please guide me.

    Thank you for all the wonderful information you provide on your channel Scott.


  10. Hello Scott,
    I am Jeff Silva and a big fan of your Nicaraguan YouTube channel.
    Came to Nicaragua last January & Feb., when I tried to connect with you but, several thing prevented it. Plan to be back in early June.
    Would love to have a 10-cups of Coffee chat with you. I’m very interested In Leon.

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